Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Prayer Requests for Wednesday the 6th

  • School year in general (for everyone and everything).

  • Unspoken

  • Spiritual Growth for the Youth Group

  • Christina's Grandfather

  • Anysia and Denora's Aunt Evette

  • Mr. Lee - in West Virginia

  • Juan - Grandmother

  • Dave - Grandmother

  • Crystal - Friend on trial

  • Empowered Youth

  • Upcoming Afterglow

  • Liz going to Mexico

Keep these requests in your prayers everyone!



Blogger Me said...

Hey I have a prayer request. Pray for Simon Harris as he is having a corneal transplant. (You can read more about it on my blog)
Thank you Steph

5:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay... a couple prayer requests :)

My friend stands trial tommarow... to be perfectly honest, I haven't seen him since Elementary School, but yeah...

Second, there is a situation going on with the "Spring Trip" with my orchestra.. honestly, just that the Lord's will would be done.. because my parents are getting really upset about somethings...

And finally... Informative speech... coming up for Speech and Debate class.. give the topic to my teacher on Wednesday, and start doign research for it... Gonna call it about "Independent, Fundamental Baptists"... the speech itself will have a little about the history.. but most of it will be about the beliefs in the sense of "God's Plan of Salvation". So yeah, you're prayers would be greatly appreciated

2:14 PM  

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