Thursday, September 14, 2006

Prayer Requests - September 13, 2006

Hey everyone! It's Liz, from Mexico. Sitting in a nice little restaurant that has some wonderful WI-FI! Whoot!

Anyways, here's your prayer requests!!

School- grades
Liz in Mexico
Youth group to grow spiritually
Missionary Simon Harris- eye (Note, we got an email, his eye is starting to heal but he's still looking at a cornea transplant. He got the virus from his contacts. Apparently he borrowed a used container from Sarah who had just enough of the virus in it to infect him. Usually this virus would be harmless thanks to the covering over your cornea but Simon's contacts were too small for him and they scratched off just enough of that covering when he took them out so the virus could eat away at his cornea. Right now all he can see is the brightest of lights shone into his eye.)
Family's salvaiton
Game on Friday
Anysia's dad
Anicate- grandparents
Mr Davie's brother- salvation
Pastor Starr while at revival meetings
Davy- Grandpa(health)
*Praise* Pastor Shafer got back safely!

Until next week!



Blogger Me said...

hey who gave you the prayer request and i am going to have pictures of the after glow if you want them I can email them so you can put them on the web page. Have you worked on that any???

9:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol steph,

uh.. I send her the list of prayer requests every Wednesday :P lol

3:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey.. I thought Pastor Starr said he was going to put devotions on here?

And what do you guys think about possibly asking Pastor Starr about teaching us how to lead someone to the Lord? (yes, I'm serious...)

6:21 PM  
Blogger Me said...

oh that would explain how she gets them I was going to volentear to email them to her but I forgot to ask for them wednessday and she had them up soon after so I figured ey she is getting them another way

11:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol Hey Happy 17th Birthday Steph!!!!!!

7:10 PM  

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