Sunday, October 29, 2006

Prayer Requests

Davy- Spanish Grade (Porque, Davy? Porque?!)
Lauren- Unspokens
Anysia- Unspokens, Aunt Caryn and Angela, Dad, Aunt Laura
Anita- students have attention
Tiana- dad
Advanced Math-Grades
Soccer team would win
Steph- grandparents salvation
Crystal)- got alternative reading (Praise), speech on Tuesday
Cherish- unspoken
Good School Year
Youth Night- preaching (nervous), singing, specials
Empowered Youth


The Scott's daughter is doing better, she's out of the coma and is responsive but she's going to have to have numerous surgeries to reconstruct her face. Pray for this.

Haven't heard anything from Simon recently. You guys will probably know more about that this coming weekend when they come to visit.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

*pokes Liz for never answering emails*

lol, by the way "Porque" is supposed to have a space AND an accent :P mwah hah hah :P stupid spanish classes :P

oh hey, the youth night went extremely well!!! and thanks Steph for the tip about being nervous lol

Hey Liz, finally played that violin at church and Pastor Howard said that since I went up there, he is going to make me do it more often LOL no!!!! lol *death*


5:38 PM  

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