Saturday, November 25, 2006

Porque, por que...

Just to explain myself and to defend myself from malicious attackers, I am going to explain porque and por que to you all.

First off, yes, I was wrong in writing porque, Davy, porque. That, in essence, is saying, 'Because, Davy, Because'.

What I'm trying to say is that porque does not always need a space and an accent. It is perfectly happy in its own.

In closing:

porque = because
por que = why



Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol You had a question mark... so wouldn't that mean you were saying "Why Davy Why?"?? And if it were a "why", then it would need the accent lol just like como, quien, cual etc lol all need accents lol

6:54 PM  
Blogger Toy said...


Blaaahhh!! You just totally lost me. XPP

XD I was kidding by the way. Didn't really think I was being attacked or anything.



10:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh liz,

I was just playing around lol


5:22 PM  

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